According to an opinion poll commissioned by the biggest Swedish daily, Dagens Nyheter (ON), and carried out by TEMO, an overwhelming majority, 96 per cent, of the Swedish population supports a restrictive drug policy. As such an overwhelming majority is extremely rare, TEMO, double- checked the results. Out of 1.002 people aged 16 years and older almost all answered that they were against any idea that Sweden would allow use of cannabis, so-called ‘party drugs’ and other drugs. More than nine out of ten 16- 29-year-olds said they were against such ideas.
The survey clearly indicates that the Swedish Government’s government bill, due to be presented later this year, on a continued and developed restrictive drug policy has massive popular support. Furthermore, comments on the final report from the Swedish Governments Narcotic Commission show a strong support from local, regional and national authorities for a continued and intensified fight against drugs.
Source: Opinion poll in , Dagens Nyheter. Oct 2001.