Recovery Cafe Culture

While treatment is an important component in many people’s recovery, its effect becomes less and less pronounced the further away you get from the treatment episode. As William White, the recovery researcher and historian says, the further away you get from treatment, the more important is the post-treatment environment.
Aftercare and mutual aid are evidence-based components of the post-treatment environment. We know that those who come out of treatment who take up aftercare and mutual aid do better than those who don’t.
In Scotland, we have a long tradition of mutual aid groups and they form an important part of the recovery community. In the USA, there are much better developed recovery communities in many areas. We need to nurture recovery communities locally here.
On Friday 17th July, in Edinburgh, there will be the first of several ‘Recovery Cafes’ this summer. This one will be held at Old St. Paul’s in Jeffrey Street and will run from 6.00pm to midnight.
The cafe has been developed by those in recovery and those who support recovery and will offer a safe and sober meeting place for those in recovery to gather. If these cafe nights are successful then dedicated premises will be sought and Edinburgh will have a permanent facility to support and nurture the recovery community.
If you are in the city on Friday and you are in recovery or support those who are, check it out! Like Wired In, this is a valuable resource and recovery tool. It’s also another piece of evidence of how recovery is here in Edinburgh and growing.
Source: Wired In July 2009

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