Australians and Drug Use

Australians are the world’s highest ecstasy users in the world.
 (Source: U N Office of Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report June 2009).
Ecstasy is the second most commonly used illicit drug in Australia.
 (Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2008)
A third of all ecstasy seized globally in 2008 was destined for Australia.
 (Source: International Narcotics Control Board annual report 2010)
Australia has a culture of illicit drug use which is attracting supply.
This culture is supported by policies of syringe distribution, drug maintenance  and drug substitution. Celebrities because of their high public profile highlight this drug culture and the effects on them and their families.
Whilst public debate on the effects of illicit drugs is useful, these drugs are
illegal because they are PROVEN dangerous. The violence, mental illness, psychosis and chaos of all illicit drugs are well documented and scientifically proven.
The drug culture can only be changed with policies that REDUCE demand and
divert illicit drug users into rehabilitation that produce abstinence from
future use.
Court ordered and supervised illicit drug orders should be used to divert all
identified illicit drug users into rehabilitation. Only reduced demand by rehabilitation will starve international criminals of  funds from illicit drugs.

More detoxification & rehabilitation that gets illicit drug user’s drug free.
Court ordered and supervised detoxification & rehabilitation.
Less illicit drug users, drug pushers and drug related crimes.

Source:  Drug Advisory Council of Australia  (DACA) August 2010

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