I believe that a state’s Attorney General and Secretary of State have the obligation to reject any petition that is obviously in violation of any law.
Whether a ballot initiative is properly worded or not, if it proposes, facilitates or allows the violation of any law – it is illegal.
EXCERPT: “In an opinion dated Tuesday and released Wednesday, Rutledge said the ballot title of the proposal is ambiguous and “that a number of additions or changes” are needed “to more fully and correctly summarize” the proposal.
“The proposal [to legalize recreational marijuana use in the state] by Larry Morris of West Fork would allow for the cultivation, production, distribution, sale and possession of marijuana for recreational use in Arkansas.”:
As you can readily see, Mr. Morris’ proposal would violate federal law and place persons who engage in any of those activities at risk of federal prosecution or other liability.
I draw to your attention a LEGAL PRIMER(BELOW) ON: ENFORCING THE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ACT IN STATES THAT HAVE COMMERCIALIZED MARIJUANA by Mr. David Evans, Esq. in which he concludes that: “Anyone who participates in the growing, possession, manufacturing, distribution, or sales of marijuana under state law or aids or facilitates or finances such actions is at risk of federal prosecution or other liability.”
I ask that you continue to reject these illegal proposals to legalize marijuana in any form in our state of Arkansas.
I reiterate, it is your job to UPHOLD the LAW, not facilitate LAWBREAKING.
Jeanette McDougal
Board Member, Drug Watch, Intl.
Director, NAHAS – National Alliance of Health and Safety