Wake Up, Home Secretary! This Drug Scheme Is A Recipe For Chaos

IS the Home Office really supporting a scheme which will allow drug users to get their illegal class A drugs tested for ‘purity and quality’ without fear of prosecution? 

Is Sajid Javid really stupid enough to back this idea? The naive justification is that it will reduce ‘overall harm’. While it will not, it will certainly become a licence for addiction and for normalising intrinsically harmful and destructive class A drug use.

Pity the poor children of such drug-users who, on top of putting their habit above their family’s needs and wellbeing, will now be able to take into their homes drugs which they can claim the government has deemed safe.

Such a process gives the misleading impression that that it is only any impurities in these toxic substances that can cause harm. As if impurities in the drugs were the top of drug addicts’ list of concerns; or as if you could take any drug with impunity providing it had been tested and declared pure.

Hello, Sajid! Wake up! I think you are being taken for a ride! Why else is diamorphine so carefully controlled and prescribed? Maybe despite being Home Secretary perhaps you’ve not visited any rehabs or talked to former addicts. They’d put you straight pretty quickly.

Have you not in your time in government visited enough drug ridden estates to know that it is drug use that is the problem that corrupts and endangers families and young people’s lives?

Have you not seen cocaine burn-out amongst your former City colleagues? Have you not seen the fall-off of any moral sense in the lives of those for whom their drug use inevitably becomes paramount, at the expense of everything and everyone else?

In case it has escaped your notice, there is a sustained campaign going on driven by middle-class libertarians to chip away at drug controls and to legalise drug use. It may well suit their selfish sensibilities to be free to do what they like but it is a disaster for those with fewer choices, fewer buffers and more vulnerability. That includes fatherless families, the poor and children, particularly children in care.

We’ve seen it in the campaign, coming from the heart of the establishment, to allow onsite drug-testing at festivals, driven by Dr Fiona Measham, a member of the Government’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. Never mind that such experiments cannot but encourage and pressurise immature young people to use drugs for the first time. They are safe and legal – hey, you can’t say no!

The elites who are pushing this, just like the elites – headed currently by Crispin Blunt MP  – pushing to legalise cannabis are blind to the harm it wreaks on vulnerable communities. This is what police officer Richard Cooke confirms in the Telegraph, and he is right: cannabis does have a pernicious influence on society. Users are disproportionately found among the underprivileged, criminals and the mentally ill. The consequential knock-on effects do stoke violence both in the home and on the streets.

Yet the last year or so has seen increasingly well-funded and pretty much nonstop attempts to erode our drug laws, from decriminalising or legalising cannabis to the recent costly and non-effective heroin prescription plan. 

And going along with the libertarian Mr Blunt (who last year set up a lobbying firm funded by overseas cannabis corporations) and the well heeled drug advocates of his All Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Policy Reform are too many liberalising Chief Constables and Police and Crime Commissioners, no longer up for their real task, which is to crack down on crime, and who see legalisation as the easy route out.

This is the sustained pressure that Sajid Javid appears to be capitulating to, as he did before under pressure from the so-called ‘medicinal cannabis’ lobby, only to have both Dame Sally Davis, the Chief Medical Officer retract and Simon Stevens, head of the NHS, warn that we are making a big mistake with it.

If Mr Javid lets his subversive civil servants and lobbyists at the Home Office and in Parliament push him into licensed testing of illegal class A drugs, he’ll be making another; the country is going to be in very serious long-term trouble. It is not so much a slippery slope as the runaway rapids we’ll find we are heading down.

Source:  https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/wake-up-home-secretary-this-drug-scheme-is-a-recipe-for-chaos/    June 2019

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