International News
Breakthroughs in Addiction Science Over 50 Years – Prevention is the Priority
Drug Free Australia’s Substack – How Harm Reduction devastated Australia
Key insights into cannabis-cancer pathobiology and genotoxicity
Health smokes ’em out
Blow to vaping, cigs fight
National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research
Drug ‘summiteering’ in NSW
Medicinal cannabis: Miracle cure or media hype
The Shadow Dollar That’s Fueling the Financial Underworld
Marijuana and violence
Our drug policies aren’t working. The evidence is in wastewater
Cannabis and mental health
Financial Support by Billionaires for Research and Policy Analysis Should Be Subject to Disclosure Rules
Australian Senate report rejects proposed laws to legalise recreational cannabis use
Drug Free Australia – Introduction – Cutting Edge Research on Cannabis Harms
Subject: Pill Testing – Russian Roulette as Drug Policy
Broad Spectrum Epidemiological Contribution Of Cannabis And Other Substances To The Teratological Profile Of Northern New South Wales: Geospatial And Causal Inference Analysis
Consequences Of Youth Marijuana Use
AMA Position Statement: Cannabis Use And Health (2014)
Synthetic Cannabis
Summary of Address to Australia as a Christian Nation Association
Effect Of Cannabis Use In People With Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Prescribed Opioids: Findings From A 4-Year Prospective Cohort Study
Re-Scheduling of Cannabinoids in USA – Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol Related Arteriopathy, Genotoxicity and Teratogenesis
Smoking Marijuana Gateway To Alcohol Addiction, Abuse Of Other Drugs
Twenty-year outcomes in adolescents who self-harm show worrying levels of substance abuse by age 35
‘Schizophrenia at its Very Depths’ Drove Mother to Kill Eight Children
Ambulance call-outs soar over drugs and alcohol incidents
UN drugs body warns US states and Uruguay over cannabis legalisation
Victoria’s ice crackdown: Andrews government’s $45m plan to include more rehab, needle programs
Children admitted to hospital because of alcohol use in NSW
One in half drivers test positive for drugs in Northern Grampians drug driving crackdown
Some frequently asked Q’s and A’s about medicinal cannabis
An inquiry on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
A pilot study of an online universal school-based intervention to prevent alcohol and cannabis use in the UK.
Will the real Drug Policy ‘emphasis’ please stand up!
Study quantifies direct effect of alcohol misuse on 20-somethings
Little evidence harm reduction reduces harm
Divisions along a new road to addiction recovery
Drug danger in Gold Coast schools
Marijuana use falling in Australia
Marijuana use Doubles Risk of Premature Birth
Australians and Drug Use
Australia ‘normalises’ drug use
Quit drinking to cut cancer risk
Supervised drinking at home can lead to alcohol problems as a teenager
Shocking Impact of Booze on Babies
Roadside Drug-testing in Victoria, Australia.
News media turns young people off illicit drugs
Cannabis health woes for older users
Brain dysfunction blamed for drug fix
Injecting room abuse
Methadone – Last Not First
HEROIN is set for comeback on Sydney streets
Parents encourage youngsters to drink, finds Oz study
Smoking, drinking and illicit drugs are costing the Australian economy $56 billion a year.
Worrying side effects attached to mephedrone
A wave of heroin has hit Victoria, causing the highest statewide death toll by the devastating drug in nearly a decade.
More than 100 young Australians died after taking the recreational drug ecstasy
Cannabis takes toll on Aborigines
Injecting Room Fails
Tests Driving Drug-Affected Motorists Off the Road
Call for Brumby to act on big booze stores
Perpetuating Drug Use – Australia
Australians’ Support For Regular Use of Cannabis Dropped
Cannabis use in remote Indigenous communities in Australia: endemic yet neglected
Drug Crime Costs, Australia
Pushers turn to mail system to traffick their drugs
Alarming Increase In Drug-affected Newborns
Teens in grip of the grog
Saving Dope Addled Minds.
Hospitals feel strain of drunks who fight
Cracking down on Cannabis
Evidence grows for change in cannabis laws
The Australian Rising Public Concern on Cannabis
Letter to The Editor
Cannabis not harmless as supposed
Australia first cannabis clinic
Roadside Drug-testing in Victoria, Australia.
Almost a quarter of West Australians have used drugs
Smokers taking 70 minutes a day off work for smokes
Child resistant lighters sought
International Trends in Drug Abuse
Top psych lashes cannabis strategy
A study identifies the factors that help teens shun drug use
Drug use and abuse of medicines are on the rise
France’s drug problem: Both repression and prevention are needed
The Shadow Dollar That’s Fueling the Financial Underworld
Reitox national academy on evidence-based prevention opens today in Zagreb
How Albanian small boat migrants took over Britain’s cannabis market
Alcohol and its Impact on the Adolescent Brain
Harm reduction – the current situation in Europe (European Drug Report 2024)
European Drug Report 2024: Trends and Developments
England’s 4 biggest killer diseases: £86billion by 2050
High gear: the growth economy … Drugs, Gangs, and London
EMCDDA Becomes EUDA: More Powers and Cooperation with Civil Society
CBD products don’t ease pain and are potentially harmful – new study finds
The Contribution Of Cannabis Use To Variation In The Incidence Of Psychotic Disorder Across Europe (EU-GEI): A Multicentre Case-Control Studyncidence of psychotic disorder across Europe (EU-GEI): a multicentre case-control study
Thinking Is Warped On Cannabis Legalisation
Painkiller Death Warning: Drug More Potent Than Heroin Linked To Deaths Of 60 People In UK
Legal Highs: Regulation Won’t Work – The Only Answer Lies In Prevention
Credit Where It Is Due. The Daily Mail Not Mrs May Nailed Drug-Loving Norman Baker
Legalising marijuana can increase use: French study
Alcohol, Tobacco And Drug Consumption Rise Over Last Five Years
These college students lost access to legal pot — and started getting better grades
Drug Abuse-Associated Mortality Across The Lifespan: A Population-Based Longitudinal Cohort And Co-Relative Analysis.
THC And CBD In Blood Samples And Seizures In Norway: Does CBD Affect THC-Induced Impairment In Apprehended Subjects?
A study of cannabis potency in France over
36% increase in high-school age drug use in Portugal
German MPs vote to legalise cannabis for medicinal purposes
Two-thirds of mental health drug patients used cannabis
Number of pupils taking cannabis doubles under softer drug laws in Portuguese system
Drugs-related admissions to hospital have more than tripled in Dundee
Legal highs that mimic LSD and heroin to be banned
Coroner highlights methadone link to heart failure after man’s death
Systematic analytical characterization of new psychoactive substances
While the US Zigs on Pot, the Netherlands Zags
Teen Marijuana Use And The Risks Of Psychosis
More Belgian teens seeking help for cannabis use
New Report Offers Details on Cocaine Traffic to Europe
Cannabis and Stroke – Systematic Appraisal of Case Reports
Methadone programme ‘is a black hole’, says drug misuse professor
The Connections Between Psychotropic Drugs and Irrational Acts of Violence – What Journalists, Lawyers, Laypersons and Healthcare Providers Need to Know
Students banned from cannabis coffee shops ‘more likely to pass exams,’ a Dutch study claims
Cannabis smokers warned they risk poorer exam grades
New UK political party wants to make cannabis an election issue
Hungarian Scientists Prove Devastating Effect Cannabis Use Has On The Brain
Link Between Marijuana Use and Mania
Legal Dope for Native Americans?
New Hampshire drug czar: Addiction dragging state’s economy down
Note to Nick Clegg: If You Want a Treatment-Led Drug Strategy, Keep It in the Home Office
Cambridge drugs conference accused of being ‘overwhelmingly’ biased in favour of drug legalisation
‘I will never get my childhood back’: Four people talk about life with an alcoholic parent
Sperm size, shape in young men affected by cannabis use
Moderate weekly alcohol intake linked to poorer sperm quality in healthy young men
UN drugs body warns US states and Uruguay over cannabis legalisation
ITV documentary looks into impact of drinking while pregnant on babies and their families
Holland’s New Marijuana Laws Are Changing Old Amsterdam
This Is What Your Brain Looks Like After You Smoke Weed
France plans to stub out e-joints
Work related drug arrests reflect serious drug problem
One in 10 cancers in men and one in 33 in women are caused by drinking
Netherlands and Portugal: young people want to keep pot illegal
Barcelona orders closure of a third of city’s 145 “cannabis clubs”
Drug decriminalisation in Portugal
Cannabis use precedes the onset of psychotic symptoms in young people, study finds
Believers Consume Fewer Drugs Than Atheists
Weed Ghettos For Tourists Anger Netherlands Neighbors
Cannabis use and brain structural alterations of the cingulate cortex in early psychosis.
Dutch crackdown on high potency marijuana
Substance abuse linked to bipolar suicide risk
Portugal -The use of heroin has tripled
Component analysis of a school-based substance use prevention program in Spain: contributions of problem solving and social skills training content.
Letter written by a Portuguese doctor to a Journalist from Der Spiegel
Irish among biggest cocaine users in Europe
Eastern Europeans ‘prominent’ in drugs scene
Dutch to classify super strong marijuana alongside heroin
Portugal – Drug Experiment Not a success at all.
Can lessons be learned from Portugal’s drug laws?
A rebuttal of information by John Stossel of Fox News
Mephedrone users told they are playing Russian roulette
The Factual Picture of Portuguese Drug Policy
Dutch marijuana advocates face off with Cabinet
Drug developed to make people drink less alcohol
Failure of Portugal’s drug legalisation experiment
Joint Statement in Opposition to the Vienna Declaration Released July 20, 2010
Letter – Portugal is hardly a resounding success
Marijuana Under the Guise of Medicine Contributes to the Rise in Marijuana Use
Increase in HIV infections in Greece
Glutamate dehydrogenase as a marker of alcohol dependence.
Hungary Needs A New Drug Strategy
Doctors Warn of Rise in Substance Abuse
33% of Ex-prisoners’ Drug Deaths Occur Within Week of Release
Dutch law could unleash cocaine flood in Britain
Amsterdam bans smoking of marijuana in some public places
Study: Steroid Use May Fuel Crime
Alcoholics facing long-term brain damage
Translating effective web-based self-help for problem drinking into the real world.
Brief skills training is effective to curb college drinking
Netherlands from 12th to 5th Place in Europe on Cannabis Usage
Dutch plan crackdown on cannabis cultivation
THC Content of Cannabis in Netherlands.
No to Dail coke tests: minister
Dutch to ban magic mushrooms
Methadone link as drug deaths soar
Let’s not go soft on hard drugs
Czech pot smokers exhale with relief over new drug law
Kids who drink with parents ‘develop alcohol problems’
Teens Who Drink With Parents May Still Develop Alcohol Problems
Cocaine in half of all schools in Rotterdam
Scotsman exclusive: Growth industry Scots don’t need
Dutch plan to shift coffeeshops worries neighbors
Decriminalization of drugs in Portugal – The real facts!
Highest in Europe – one in ten Scots used cannabis last year
Alcohol-related deaths
Ban on magic mushrooms confirmed
Drink and drug abuse costs Scotland £5billion every year
Isles drink abuse too widespread to target one group
French curb on alcohol sales as teenagers discover le binge drinking
Marijuana exports generate €2bn
Germany Bans Drug “Spice”
France to crack down on under-age binge drinking
Dose of reality fuels new initiatives to help addicts
Teenagers’ higher cannabis use linked to more nights out
No relaxation on cannabis laws in New Zealand
Double price of alcohol, say experts
Concerns over methadone use.
Recovery Cafe Culture
More drug users’ babies in care
The children who live with drugs
Ireland: Alcohol recognised as ‘gateway drug’
DRUG POLICY: Sweden’s success in combating drug use
Schoolchildren critical of drugs education, says report
Poor results for addicts from €140m drugs scheme
Dutch cannabis cafes open to members only
The Netherlands reviews its tolerant approach to drug policy
Milan, Italy Enacting Ordinance to Curb Underage Drinking
Germany Battles Youth Drinking Scourge
UK declared the cocaine capital of Europe
Drink and drug abuse costs Scotland £5billion every year
Scotland’s methadone bill hits £17million
Scotland’s methadone programme causes concern
The Scottish Government’s definition
International Narcotics Control Board Report
Raid strips party island of ecstasy
Dutch Politicians Seek Marijuana Rules
Aboard the Mississippi Boat
Cocaine and ecstasy use rife in EU
Cannabis lobby rises from the ashes
Press release on Swiss drug policy
European Union Group Urges Censorship of Pro-Cannabis Web Sites
Chief of Police in Arnhem,Holland
Swiss kids satisfy taste for booze and drugs
Sweden Will Maintain, Develop And Enforce Its Restrictive Drug Policy
French Teenagers Smoke Joints As Often As They Drink
The European “Schools Health Education Unit”
SNIPPETS July 2005
Dutch Teenagers Get Hooked On Drugs At An Ever Younger Age
Cannabis link to psychosis
Amsterdam’s Alcohol-Selling Coffee Shops To Lose Cannabis Privileges.
46% of English arrestees tested positive for pot
Weed is hard drug
5 Million Deaths a Year Worldwide from Smoking Tobacco smoke is the world’s most lethal weapon of mass destruction.
Addicts assisting addicts
Cannabis doubles the risk of schizophrenia and other psyciatric conditions
Cannabis more toxic than cigarettes: study
Drugs Spark Gang Violence in Vancouver
Drugs: A Hard or Soft Approach?
A New Drug Threat: Salvia – by Mike Bush
What influences young people to take drugs?
Sweden – Swedish Drug Policy in General
Italy approves new marijuana law
Methadone to be dumped in Scotland as treatment for heroin addiction
New Zealand
Cocaine consumption soars globally as traffickers find new markets
Peshawar, Pakistan – Strategies shared for drug prevention
World Drug Report 2024 – Issues, Key Findings and Conclusions
Irish teens whose friends use cannabis 10 times more likely to consume the drug themselves
A twice-yearly shot could help end AIDS, but only if it can get to everyone who needs it
Tackling the global drug crisis
From Inspiration to Action: 5 Youth Forum Alumni Champion Prevention Efforts
Experts propose all-inclusive approach, legal framework to combat drug abuse
Afghanistan: opium cultivation increased by 19 per cent in second year of drugs ban, according to UNODC
Police launch “Let’s T.A.L.K. LOL Party”
Transnational organised crime: ‘It’s time we pull together to push back’
Addressing the evolving drug landscape at the 2024 CND Thematic Discussions
Mindfulness-based relapse prevention targeting psychological craving and trait mindfulness in young Chinese women with methamphetamine dependence: a randomized controlled trial
The Shadow Dollar That’s Fueling the Financial Underworld
Unlocking the science of adolescence to promote effective policy and practice
Health risk behaviour prevention/intervention programmes targeted at youth/adolescents engaging in risky behaviour—a scoping review
Help to end unintended drug abuse among senior citizens
Unite for A Drug-Free Pakistan!
Experts turn to school leaders in fight against drug abuse – Uganda
Hidden in Plain Sight: Officials Warn Parents of Disguised Drug Containers
Supporting social reintegration through sport in prisons
Finally recognizing the Israeli opioid disaster
Pioneering drug abuse prevention and support
Rethinking our approach to Drug Abuse Prevention: An Islamic Perspective
Islamic Perspective to Drug Abuse Prevention
Rethinking drug policy: Punishment to public health
Focus on preventing drug abuse
Commentary: Biden’s marijuana move is a step backwards in the global fight against drugs
UNODC World Drug Report 2024: Harms of world drug problem continue to mount amid expansions in drug use and markets
‘invest in prevention’
UNODC World Drug Day 2024 – report highlights spike in drug use, increased trafficking
The Secretary-General, UNODC — Message On The Occasion Of The 2024 International Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking
Finally recognizing the Israeli opioid disaster
Good parenting as catalyst for drug free society
China & the fentanyl crisis – The CCP’s role
UNODC Executive Director: anti-corruption, fight against organized crime, and drug prevention
Vilnius, Lithuania – Pilot model for the prevention of drug use and distribution by minors in schools
Drugs online: UN-backed body offers solutions to counter narcotics surge
Washington tribes look to Iceland for help getting teens off drugs
UNODC celebrates the power of sports in preventing violence, crime, and drug use
Twenty-three new substances/precursors placed under international control; four resolutions passed at 67th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
How Iceland’s Planet Youth Program Curbed Teen Drinking, Drug Use
China announces scheduling controls on two fentanyl precursor chemicals
Target The ‘Ganja Babies’ – Urgent Focus Needed On Children Using The Weed As They Face Increased Mental Health Risks
The Bad Science Of Medical Cannabis
Smoking super-strength cannabis or ‘spice’ may trigger deadly seizures, claims new research
“Trial of the Plant”
Who is watching the children?
Iceland knows how to stop teen substance abuse but the rest of the world isn’t listening
Under the Influence: Jamaicans Driving High
Ayurvedic chemist selling ‘afeem’ meds raided in Pb
In a first for Latin America, Uruguay rolls out program legalizing marijuana
Impact of Cannabis on the Neurocognitive Performance of Jamaican Adolescents
U.S. and Chinese Drug Enforcement Agencies Meet on Synthetic Opioid Efforts
Marijuana Use Around the World
Drug abuse escalates ‘alarmingly’ in Tanzania
Colorado’s Legalization of Marijuana and the Impact on Public Policy: A Practical Guide for Law Enforcement
Study finds 2 million students need rehab
Obama’s Jamaican Fantasy
Spice – the synthetic drug gaining a grip on Russia
Russia’s Anti-Drugs Body Set for Chop Amid Narcotics Epidemic
North Korea: China’s Largest Drug Dealer?
Prescription Drugs ‘Orphan’ Children In Eastern Kentucky
Paraguay replaces drugs with recreation
Crimea side-effect: Addicts deprived of methadone
Israeli pharmacists: Cannabis can cause side-effects, even death
China leading the way on global drug fight
The Pitfalls of Legalization?
China Becoming Significant Source of Synthetic Drug Production
Study of the global dependence upon illicit drugs
Uruguay and Marijuana legalization: a new Tupamaros strategy ?
Drug dealers shift focus on meth, heroin
Putin signs law on drug tests for students
Drug prevention programs need more attention
Ecuador student’s death highlights school drugs problem
Somalis urge government to ban khat
Thai slum under close scrutiny
Brazil: Drug dealers say no to crack in Rio
One drug connection that everyone ignores
‘We would end up with a problem of a similar scale to the one that we have with alcohol’
UN narcotics panel emphasizes treatment for illicit drug users
Drug Legalisation: An Evaluation of the Impacts on Global Society
Mexican drug cartels ‘operating in the UK, France and Netherlands’
Mexico looks to legalisation as drug war murders hit 28,000
Harm Reduction: More than just side effects!
The Mexican Drug War
Illegal drug usage in older people reduces quality of life
Clear- Cut Policy Needed To Help Rehabilitated Drug Addicts, Says Lam Thye
Hawaii kills medical marijuana dispensary measure
Vietnam aims to minimize drug addiction
More drug de-addiction centres mooted across India
Self-Esteem and Trait Anxiety in Relation to Drug Misuse in Kuwait
New drug users less likely to share needles, have HIV, in Russian study
Drug Possession Decriminalized in Mexico
Extreme Violence Continues in Mexico
Mexico decriminalizes small-scale drug possession
GHS Blows the Whistle Over High Tobacco-Related Deaths
The Jornal da Tarde exposes new formulas for the drug traffickers
Counselling centres against drug abuse to come up in Delhi
Daily Guide Ghana – Kwaadee Smokes Wee ….Says Mother
Bolivia halts US anti-drugs work
How to Lie with Statistics
Top Mexico cops charged with favoring drug cartel
Stopping random drug testing is a human rights violation – Sotto
Zero tolerance against drugs
Internet a growing tool for drug trafficking
Declaration of the World Mayor’s Conference on Drugs
NCB Sweeps 10 Perpetrators Off The Streets
Danger zone – Young people and addiction in India
Wallabies damaging crops in Tasmania poppy fields after getting high
HIV in US–Mexico Border May Change the HIV Epidemic in Mexico
Drinkers, Smokers Less Likely to Survive Cancer
Russia Tough On ‘Weed’ Ware
96% Of Sweden Population Supports Restrictive Drug Policy
Ministry of Health Warns of Strychnine Found in Dutch Ecstasy
Italy toughens drug laws
Afghanistan’s Poppy Cultivation Filling the Coffers of Terrorists
Body Shop’s hemp line
5 Million Deaths a Year Worldwide from Smoking Tobacco smoke is the world’s most lethal weapon of mass destruction.
Genetic anomalies tied with marijuana—activated brain chemicals appear linked to schizophrenia, Japanese researchers report.
Cannabis Poisoning
JT to launch new brands
Drugs Spark Gang Violence in Vancouver
Cigarettes Contribute to Early Cardiac Deaths Worldwide
A New Drug Threat: Salvia – by Mike Bush
At the Cinema – Smoking in cinemas increasing, in contrast to real smoking rates
The Swedish addiction epidemic in global perspective – ABSTRACT
International Trends in Drug Abuse
News from abroad and the armed forces
Washington could require bars to carry spiked drink drug tests
Inside the country’s first official safe drug consumption site
Cocaine consumption soars globally as traffickers find new markets
Five-Year Outcomes of a School-Based Personality-Focused Prevention Program on Adolescent Substance Use Disorder: A Cluster Randomized Trial
Opinion piece
Grading the Progress of National Initiatives on the Opioid Crisis
Texas mom who lost son ‘not backing down’ in fight for fentanyl education
Why China and Mexico Are the Right Targets for POTUS Attack on the Scourge of Illegal Drugs
Nearly 1 in 3 Americans have reported losing someone to a drug overdose
Study Examines Links Between Opioid Epidemic and Rural Homelessness
Texas’ War On Drug Users
A new roadmap for cannabis and cannabis policy research
Virtual Reality (VR) program helps students handle complex social situations.
‘Making America Healthy Again’ Must Start With Better Drug Policy | Opinion
Reflecting on NIDA’s 50th year and looking to 2025
Emerging Synthetic Opioid Threat: What You Need to Know
Ketamine Use on the Rise in U.S. Adults; New Trends Emerge
IN substance recovery center supports sober existence
With weed legal, Missouri is now looking at the public health consequences
How Mexican Cartels Test Fentanyl on Vulnerable People and Animals
Clearing the Air: The Influence of Vaping on Smoking Cessation
Overdose deaths continue record decline
More Men Are Addicted to the ‘Crack Cocaine’ of the Stock Market
Geo-Temporal Trends in Fentanyl Administration Routes Among Adults Reporting Use of Illegally Manufactured Fentanyl When Assessed for Substance-Use Treatment — 14 U.S. States, 2017–2023
2024 Learning Series Drives Conversations and Solutions in the Fight Against Opioid Misuse
Reported use of most drugs among adolescents remained low in 2024
Marijuana use associated with same-day alcohol and tobacco use
AI Can Help Us Choose Words More Carefully When Talking About Addiction
America’s Most Common Drug Problem? Unhealthy Alcohol Use
Promote Safe Driving Practices and Prevent Impaired Driving During the Holiday Season
Majority of U.S. Teens Are Not Drinking, Smoking or Using Marijuana, Study Finds
Structural brain differences in adolescents may play a role in early initiation of substance use
Rising Trend of Substance Abuse Among Older Adults: A Review Focusing on Screening and Management
SCOPE looks back on the progress, developments of its past five years
White House Reviews Its Drug Control Strategy , up to end 2024
DEA Releases 2024 Edition of Drugs of Abuse Resource Guide
Can music therapy replace opioids for pain? University Hospitals investigates with $1.5M federal grant
Drug Free Communities start with youth
CDC warns of superdrug that is deadlier than fentanyl
How should we view the national decline in drug-overdose deaths?
Lessons Learned From Marijuana Legalization
How weed won over America
Proposal by HHS and Attorney General to Reschedule Marijuana
Improving community engagement in addiction science – NIDA
What does Trump’s election potentially mean for addiction response?
Small Changes with Big Impact: Supporting Employees in Recovery
US News: PHI Study Shows Nearly 160 Million Americans Harmed by Another’s Drinking, Drug Use
DEA to Hold Hearing on the Rescheduling of Marijuana
According to new provisional data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drug deaths in the United States have fallen for the first time in five years.
A Presidential Proclamation on National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, 2024
Why We Need to Modernize Substance Use Education
Key insights into cannabis-cancer pathobiology and genotoxicity
More than a dozen Oregon communities vote to ban psilocybin businesses
Notes from the Field: Ketamine Detection and Involvement in Drug Overdose Deaths — United States, July 2019–June 2023
Drug legalization takes massive hit in state referenda
‘Fentanyl steals families’: New Cincinnati billboard spreads awareness of opioid epidemic
Black Pennsylvanians are 50% less likely to receive naloxone, despite soaring overdose deaths, new study finds
Prevention, Persistence, and the Power of Storytelling: Interviews from the NPN Conference
Kentucky attorney general offers prevention plan to combat drug abuse scourge
X Launches Prevent Alliance to Combat Synthetic Drug Abuse
Kentucky Attorney General Coleman announces statewide youth drug prevention campaign
Red Ribbon Week
New research explores how campus belonging impacts binge drinking and substance use
Preventing bullying can prevent substance abuse
New Pediatric Opioid Rules Aim to Cut Risks, Clarify Pain Treatment
DEA Supports 2024 Red Ribbon Campaign to Promote Healthy, Drug-Free Lifestyles
Fatal overdoses often happen when users are alone. Hotlines, sensors can save lives.
Drug laws are back in Oregon. How they are enforced depends on the county
White House Drug Policy Director Statement on Latest Drug Overdose Death Data
A National Strategy for Preventing Substance and Opioid Use Disorders Through Evidence-Based Prevention Programming That Fosters Healthy Outcomes in Our Youth
Vaping: From Nicotine to Marijuana
San Diego County task force releases report on drug prevention programs in schools
‘Red Ribbon Week’ example of teaching about drug prevention in a fun way
Walking in Balance: Culture as Prevention in Cherokee Nation
Everyone’s tough on drugs again – Overview of US Presidential campaigns 2024
“Smart Choices, Safe Workplaces: Educate on Drug Risks” National Drug Free Work Week 2024
The Opioid Crisis: Issues for Health Care Providers
White House Drug Policy Director Statement on Latest Drug Overdose Death Data
Substance Use Epidemiology as a Foundation for Prevention
Re-Scheduling of Cannabinoids in USA – Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol Related Arteriopathy, Genotoxicity and Teratogenesis
Substance Use Epidemiology as a Foundation for Prevention
In Oregon, parents and teachers catalyze drug prevention in schools
President Biden’s Overdose Awareness Week Proclamation
Cherokee Nation takes long-term approach to substance abuse recovery via harm reduction
Employees who use and abuse marijuana miss more work, new study shows
SAMHSA’s Suicide Prevention Initiatives
Lowering Overdose Deaths: A Naloxone How-to Guide
Navigating Changing Marijuana Legislation: A Guide for Employers
Giving up pets to seek rehab can worsen trauma. A Colorado group intends to end that
North Charleston hosts first Overdose Awareness Day event
‘Safe supply’ only will deepen Denver’s drug crisis
Teens lead through example, advocating for drug prevention resources
Local organizations share addiction experiences, challenges, resources
Suicide Prevention is an Important Part of Drug Education
The Shadow Dollar That’s Fueling the Financial Underworld
Cannabis and hallucinogen use among adults remained at historic highs in 2023
Drug Prevention Education Video Series Launches in Spanish
Prevention AR – Reaching Individuals Before Harm Does
Substance Use and Mental Health
Are teen ‘just say no’ campaigns effective?
Hopeful Life Introduces a Life-Changing Program Led by a Former DEA Agent, Empowering Youth to Combat Substance Abuse
BRAIN at 10: A View from the National Institute on Drug Abuse
Substance Use Prevention Month: Telling the Prevention Story
Teen Substance Use Is Declining, But More Dangerous Drug Abuse Is Emerging
Addressing Prescription Drug Misuse Among Adolescents
Prevention is important
Daily marijuana use linked to increased risk of deadly head and neck cancers, study finds
New mystery drug ‘pink cocaine’ isn’t what you might think
A Front-Row Change Agent of the Drug Epidemic
NIH launches programme to advance research led by Native American communities on substance use and pain
The importance of language when talking about substance abuse
How To Stay Sober In College
Youth risk behavior survey 2013-2023
SAMHSA Releases Annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Associations of cannabis use, use frequency, and cannabis use disorder with violent behavior among young adults in the United States
Navigating substance abuse disorders in young people
Breaking the Cycle: The Impact of Prenatal Substance Exposure on Children and the Healthcare System
Drug Tests Alone Aren’t Enough: The Need for Supervisory Documentation
NIH launches program to advance research led by Native American communities on substance use and pain
New York State Department of Health Welcomes Renowned Nation-Leading Public Health Professional to Executive Leadership Team
‘Violent’ passenger says he ate 10 weed edibles, tries opening plane doors, feds say
California needs to do more to prevent suicide among Native Americans, tribal leaders say
Q&A: Examining the Key Drivers of a Healthful Lifestyle
Benefits and challenges of geographic information systems (GIS) for data-driven outreach in black communities experiencing overdose disparities: results of a stakeholder focus group
SAFE GC Coalition: National Survey on Drug Use Shows Vaping Concerns
Study: Drug-involved overdose deaths increased by over 500% in 2022
Hidden in Plain Sight: Officials Warn Parents of Disguised Drug Containers
Legalization and Pet Safety: Why Policies Need to Protect Our Animals
Gallup Finds a Majority of Americans Now Think Marijuana Has a Negative Effect on Society and Users
Navigating Changing Marijuana Legislation: A Guide for Employers
Cannabis and hallucinogen use among adults remained at historic highs in 2023
Psychedelics: A new hope for substance abuse treatment
Teen Substance Use Is Declining, But More Dangerous Drug Abuse Is Emerging
Toxic Homes For Sale: How California’s Illegal Marijuana Industry Ruins Houses
NIDA – Kratom information
Mothers of Fentanyl victims campaign for awareness
CT expert alarmed by popularity of kratom, xylazine drug use: ‘Incredibly risky’
Policy News Roundup: July 25, 2024
Here are five things the US federal government can do to address the overdose epidemic
A Closer Look at 107,543 Lives Lost to Drug Overdoses
To address the fentanyl crisis, greater access to methadone is needed
The Tragic Toll of Cannabis-Induced Psychosis: Stories of Loss and Awareness
Parents: talk to your kids about drugs and alcohol
Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome: Marijuana-linked condition on the rise
Everyone deserves addiction treatment that works — including those in jail
Commentary: Biden’s marijuana move is a step backwards in the global fight against drugs
Common Sense Institute Arizona report estimates fentanyl, opioid crisis cost Arizona $58 billion in 2023
People Over Profits: Drug Liberalization Receives Pushback Around the Globe
Local drug education and prevention programs are here to help
How to Safely and Effectively Taper-off use of Benzodiazepines
Questions Related to the Potential Rescheduling of Marijuana
Marijuana Rescheduling – NPRM 508 – Comment
Public comment on proposal in US to reschedule marijuana – by John Coleman (ex DEA)
Nearly 1 in 3 Americans have reported losing someone to a drug overdose: Study
Two-Drug Treatment Could Curb Meth Addiction
NIH-funded intervention did not impact opioid-related overdose death rates over evaluation period
Black Pennsylvanians are 50% less likely to receive naloxone, despite soaring overdose deaths, new study finds
Physician Reluctance to Intervene in Addiction – A Systematic Review
Fentanyl Education, Prevention Key to Ending Crisis in US
Fentanyl awareness campaigns kick off in Oregon amid an overdose epidemic
More than 321,000 U.S. children lost a parent to drug overdose from 2011 to 2021
DEA Releases 2024 National Drug Threat Assessment
What You Aren’t Hearing About Marijuana’s Health Effects
Imagine the possibilities – taking a more comprehensive approach to drug policy.
Teens Using Cannabis Are At Higher Risk Of Psychosis, Study Suggests
Oregon performs better in health equity, but disparities remain
Support local drug education and prevention programs
New study shows the rising prevalence of fentanyl pills
Washington tribes look to Iceland for help getting teens off drugs
‘Dead people don’t recover’: MSU panel discusses drug epidemic, solutions in America
More teens than ever are overdosing. Psychologists are leading new approaches to combat youth substance misuse
Every father should speak to their kids about drugs and alcohol
Teens Using Cannabis Are At Higher Risk Of Psychosis, Study Suggests
Imagine the possibilities – Support to break the overdose cycle
Colorado fentanyl deaths continue to rise. DEA’s new approach to combat the problem.
Daily cannabis use surpasses daily alcohol use for first time, study finds
DEA Brings Its “One Pill Can Kill Game Over” Tournament to New England for a First-of-Its-Kind Event
A Dose Of Reality: Underscoring The Fatal Consequences Of The Opioid Epidemic
The Fentanyl Death Crisis in America
USA: Findings from the 2024 Quest Diagnostics Drug Testing Index™
Is CBD a controlled substance? DEA: Yes- FDA: No
Is it right to force someone into rehab? The man whose life inspired a landmark law
Counting the cost of decriminalising drugs in Oregon
Investigation: Most Oregon drug use prevention programs for kids not science-backed
Other states drive youth prevention in ways Oregon does not
DEA 2024 National Drug Threat Assessment
Stress Main Factor Driving Teens to Abuse Drugs, Alcohol
Smoking Now Fuels More Drug Overdoses than Injecting Does
2021-2022 NSDUH: Model-Based Estimated Prevalence For States
Unlocking the Truth: The Hidden Risks of Melatonin Gummies for Children
Teens use cannabis for coping, enjoyment
Is cannabis bad for teens? Here’s what the data say
Navigating The Adolescent Overdose Crisis: Insights And Prevention Strategies
Victoria’s Voice Foundation Marks Milestone of One Million Children and Parents Impacted Through its Education Programs with School Assembly in Nashville on the Dangers of Drug Use and Vaping
Survey Finds Illicit Drug Use Among Youth Declining While Overdose Deaths Rise
Opioid epidemic is in a ‘fourth wave,’ with multiple substances being used at the same time, and fentanyl is the most common
America’s addiction crisis: It’s not just fentanyl. These drugs play a growing role.
Washington tribes look to Iceland for help getting teens off drugs
School substance use prevention efforts are crucial. The question is how to do it
Roger Morgan: Trump Must Clamp Down On Marijuana Or America Is Doomed
‘Fourth wave’ of opioid epidemic crashes ashore, propelled by fentanyl and meth
SAMHSA’s 20th Prevention Day: Leading with Science, Improving Lives
Nearly 108,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2022, breaking record, CDC says
‘Dead people don’t recover’: MSU panel discusses drug epidemic, solutions in America
2024 Addiction Statistics: Accurate Data on Substance Abuse in the US
Why Most Americans Who Need Substance Use Disorder Treatment Don’t Get It
‘Safe Injection Sites’ Are No Answer To Addiction
Dem gov recriminalizes drug possession despite voter referendum after overdose deaths, crime surge in Oregon
What Is Kratom? Users Praise Its Pain-Relieving Ability, But Louisiana Officials Look To Ban It
Letter from Pamela McColl
Houston Gains Key Role In Synthetic Marijuana
FDA Approves Marijuana-Based Epilepsy Drug
Online Sales of Marijuana: An Unrecognized Public Health Dilemma
76 Billion Opioid Pills: Newly Released Federal Data Unmasks The Epidemic
America’s Killer New Drug: A Guide To Fentanyl
One year of legal pot sales and California doesn’t have the bustling industry it expected. Here’s why
The impacts of marijuana dispensary density and neighborhood ecology on marijuana abuse and dependence
Marijuana Commercialization in Colorado
Outbreak Alert Update: Potential Life-Threatening Vitamin K
How Modern Marijuana Changes the Brain
Marijuana found in breast milk up to six days after use
Pay to Play: Congressional Cannabis Caucus And Colleagues—More Tracking The Money
Medical Marijuana In Florida Creates Smoky Policy Challenge For State’s School Districts
Coloradan drug use trends
Two crises in one: As drug use rises, so does syphilis
Pennsylvania State Police Urge Gun Owners To Give Up Firearms To Get Medical Marijuana
The Opioid Epidemic Is Crushing America’s Middle Class. We Need Action, Not Words
The Obama/Soros Legacy
New Report Out On Impact Of Legal Pot On Colorado
Traffic Accidents Rising in States With Legalized Recreational Marijuana
High Co-prescription of Opioid-SSRI/SNRIs, Despite the Risks
More Than Half Of New Yorkers Oppose Marijuana Legalization, According To New Emerson College Poll
Amid Opioid Crisis, Texas Subsidized Drug Distributor It’s Now Investigating
Marijuana Industry Loses Key Protection From Federal Enforcement In Proposed Spending Bill
Another Hurdle Cleared – Marijuana Industry Fails In The House
The Opioid Crisis Ravaging America Is Claiming Record Numbers Of Lives
Report by National Families in Action Rips the Veil Off the Medical Marijuana Industry
University Of Florida Drug Policy Institute Joins Senior Researchers At Harvard, Boston Children’s Hospital, University Of Texas, And Others In Responding To Latest Claims By The International Centre For Science In Drug Policy
Re-Scheduling of Cannabinoids in USA – Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol Related Arteriopathy, Genotoxicity and Teratogenesis
Cocaine Laced With Fentanyl Causing Growing Number of Deaths
In California, Learning How Marijuana Is an Unlikely Divider
Overdose Deaths Up 30% In Hamilton County, USA
Hill: Buyers’ Remorse On Marijuana?
How The Epidemic Of Drug Overdose Deaths Ripples Across America
Drug Laws: Why Do We Have Them, And Do They Work?
Florida’s Biggest Law Firms Tap New Gold Mine: State’s Proposed Medical-Weed Industry
Zohydro Backlash
Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Report 2015
Report: Marijuana Increases The Risk Of Deadly Crashes
Money Spent On Marijuana Legalisation Referendums
Marijuana-Growing Spikes Denver Electric Demand, Challenges Clean-Power Plan
Kennedy: Are We Ready For Big Tobacco-Style Marketing For Marijuana?
National Families Of Action States Marijuana Policy
Colorado Has Highest Marijuana Use Among Teens, Adults
Kathy Gyngell: Crime Rates Soar Where We Fail To Enforce Laws Against Drugs
Colorado Yields To Marijuana Industry Pressure On Pesticides
Colorado politicians ignore major pot problems
America’s Opioid Crisis Behind ‘Shocking’ Two-Year Drop In Life Expectancy
Can We Please Stop Pretending Marijuana Is Harmless?
Authorities In Erie Dealing With Spike In K2 Overdoses
24 Mind-Blowing Facts About Marijuana Production in America
SAM Applauds Bi-Partisan Legislation for Legitimate Medical Marijuana Research
Washington’s Pot Industry Isn’t As Green As You’d Think
A Horrifying Statistic That Conveys The Sheer Scale Of The US Opioid Crisis
Cannabis Use and Risk of Prescription Opioid Use Disorder in the United States
Tracking the Money That’s Legalizing Marijuana and Why It Matters
Maine’s marijuana social clubs likely to be no-smoking venues
Top 10 Anti-Marijuana Legalization Policy Victories Of 2015
The Opioid Crisis Should Make Libertarians Rethink the Drug Legalization Argument
The Unintended Consequences of Colorado’s “Social Experiment”
Risk of Selected Birth Defects with Prenatal Illicit Drug Use, Hawaii, 1986–2002
New Opioid Tool Kit introduced to address U.S. Drug Epidemic
The Cole Memo: 4 Years Later Status Report on State Compliance of Federal Marijuana Enforcement Policy
Marijuana devastated Colorado, don’t legalize it nationally
Coalitions in Action: ASAP Coalition Uses “Smash” Creativity to Engage with Youth
An Interview with Kevin Sabet, USA’s Most Influential Critic of Marijuana Legalization
Economy Needs Workers, but Drug Tests Take a Toll
Legal Weed Isn’t Living Up To All Of Its Promises. We Need To Shut It Down
Innovative Peer-to-Peer Drug Prevention Initiative Shows Promising Results with High School Students
Blue Cross Blue Shield Publishes Major Opioid Report
Marijuana Treats Look Like Familiar Sweets
Marijuana: What Parents Need to Know Today
Mass Illnesses Due to Marijuana Edibles, Brownies, Candy
The Marijuana Policy Initiative: Don’t Commercialize Marijuana.
11 Fishers teens hospitalized after eating THC-laced gummy bears
Cannabis Boosts Risk Of Stroke And Heart Attack, Independent Of Tobacco, New Study Finds
Marijuana Legalization Has Led To More Use And Addiction While Illegal Market Continues To Thrive
Variance in Cannabis Use and Gender Affect Size of Important Brain Regions
The Conundrum of Chronic Pain, Opioid Use in America and the Consequences
Statement by President of Smart Approaches to Marijuana on Senators Booker and Gillibrand’s Marijuana Legislation to Bypass FDA
Grey Death compound in Jacksonville & Florida
Open Letter to : Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge and Secretary of State Mark Martin
26 Overdoses in Just Hours: Inside a Community on the Front Lines of the Opioid Epidemic
‘Narco-deforestation’: Cocaine Trade Destroying Swathes of Central America
It’s time for philanthropic giants to join America’s fight to end the addiction crisis.
In opioid crisis, a new risk for police: accidental overdose
Ohio Leads In Nation’s Fatal Drug Overdoses With 4,000 Dead In 2016: Survey
Emergency Visits Related to Marijuana Use at Colorado Hospital Quadruple
Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Health
‘It’s Just Horrific’: Caseworkers Break Their Silence to Reveal a Toll of Addiction on Children
Overcoming Addiction -Sobering Truth About Addiction Treatment in America
A Dangerous Mix of Opioids Called ‘Gray Death’ is causing Overdoses in Parts of the US
The Opioid Epidemic May Be Even Deadlier Than We Think
Smart Approaches to Marijuana Reacts to Marijuana Lobbying Group’s Admission to Soliciting Donations from Tobacco Industry
New Study Finds More Marijuana Use, Higher Rates of Marijuana Addiction States With Medical Marijuana Lawsin
Kicking Pot to the Curb
Casual cannabis use: Is there a link to depression?
Opioid Addiction Is Infiltrating A Majority Of US Workplaces
American Carnage – The New Landscape of Opiod Addiction
Substance Use Disorders Could Be Costing Your Business More Than You Think
National Leaders and Elected Officials Gather in Atlanta to Coordinate Opposition to Marijuana Legalization in America
Saving Lives Is the First Imperative in the Opioid Epidemic
Marijuana Legalization Bills Defeated in Maryland
Cannabis Use and Risk for Substance Use Disorders and Mood or Anxiety Disorders
Born addicts, opioid babies in withdrawal from first breath
Marijuana Is Not Safe to Smoke, Researchers Say
Pregnant Women Turn to Marijuana, Perhaps Harming Infants
Letter re ‘medipot’ in the USA
Fungus In Medical Marijuana Eyed As Possible Cause In California Man’s Death
Is your medical marijuana safe? UC Davis doctors say dangerous bacteria, fungi can lurk in pot
Burgeoning Marijuana Market Prompts Concerns about Crop’s Environmental Impact
Colorado Health Agency Issues Second Report on Health Effects of Marijuana in State
LETTER: Obama legacy includes drug addiction epidemic
Middle school student hospitalized after eating marijuana gummy bears.
Surgeon general commends efficiency of D.A.R.E. program
Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health
States legalizing marijuana warned over kids mistaking drug for candy
Pills that kill: why are thousands dying from fentanyl abuse?
U.S. Student Drug Survey: Marijuana Use Remains Strong Despite Drops in Other Drug Use
“Zombie” Outbreak Caused by the Synthetic
Obama’s Drug Policy Legacy: Overdose Deaths and Youth Pot Use
What Child Is This?
F.D.A. Agrees to New Trials for Ecstasy as Relief for PTSD Patients
Study finds abnormally low blood flow in the brain of marijuana users
The Marijuana Conundrum in North America
Experts link homeless surge to pot
New Surgeon General’s Report Highlights Dangers of Marijuana Use
Experts in Nearby States Warn Against Prop. 64, Which Would Legalize Marijuana in California
Synthetic Opioid Known as “Pink” Is Legal in Most States
What do we know about marijuana’s medical benefits? Two experts explain the evidence
Pink: Drug Twice as Powerful as Heroin but Legally Available on Web
When A Lie Travels: Comparing Alcohol To Marijuana
Pew Research Poll Reflects Views on Pot Decriminalisation
Drug Cartels Substituting Fentanyl for Heroin, U.S. Government Agencies Warn
Yes, it’s legal (but the law’s still a drag)
Marijuana Marketed To Kids
A Public Health Framework for Legalized Retail Marijuana Based on the US Experience:
Parents should be wary of marijuana legalization
Colorado, Testimonies – I wish we had never moved here….
Many Myths Surround Molly and Ecstasy
Coalitions in Action: Thinking Outside the Box in Rural Indiana
Will Legalizing Marijuana Create Modern Bootleggers?
U.S. and Chinese Drug Enforcement Agencies Meet on Synthetic Opioid Efforts
Unintentional Pediatric Exposures to Marijuana in Colorado, 2009-2015.
Videos from attendees at a conference in Colorado
Why Medical Marijuana Patients Can’t Buy Guns
Effect of motivational interviewing on reduction of alcohol use
Cracking down on youth tobacco may influence drug use
Another example from the USA of big business deliberately targeting youth with alcoholic beverages with 60% proof, or 30% alcohol by volume
Authorities raid illegal Calif. pot grows to help Yurok tribe
Colorado youth marijuana use IS on the rise
Don’t ignore the fact that marijuana is an addictive, destructive drug
Trespass grows found on USFS land
Study: Regular marijuana use linked to problems in midlife
Synthetic Marijuana Sends Hundreds for Emergency Care in Colorado
Legalized pot is making America’s lower class poorer and less responsible
DEA Report: Counterfeit Pills Fuelling U.S. Fentanyl and Opioid Crisis
So Much for Democracy
Rehab facility says more people are battling ‘Marijuana Use Disorder’
33 sick after apparent mass drug overdose in New York City
Report: Thousands imprisoned for life for non-violent crimes?
Ohio to require reporting of drug-addicted babies
Media Continue Cover-up of Marijuana-induced Mental Illness
Other Viewpoint: The costs of drug addiction
Being an addict’s mom: ‘It’s just a very, very sad place’
Crime Is Up in Colorado: What That Tells Us About Pot Legalization and, Perhaps More Importantly, Lazy Reporting
Legalizing Marijuana in Oregon
Regular marijuana use among college students at a three-decade high, survey says
Why Libertarians Are Wrong About Drugs
Viewpoint: Colorado is going to pot, don’t let Florida
Marijuana use involved in more fatal accidents since commercialization of medical marijuana
The following links give scientific evidence from scientist and medics in the USA, and do not support the use of cannabis.
President Obama, Marijuana and The Media
Powdered Alcohol Approved by Government Agency
Colorado teens see marijuana as less risky, new state wide research shows
DEA Warning to Police and Public: Fentanyl Exposure Kills
BUD BUSTERS: Surrey teens take on the tokers at ‘420’ rally in Vancouver
Cannabis Hemp THC in the Food–Cosmetic Supply
The Drug Problem
If You Think Legalization Is Just about Marijuana, Think Again
Wouldn’t it be simpler for the USA to not legalise so-called medical marijuana and so-called recreational pot?
Weeds 3: A Documentary Showcasing Legitimate Scientific Research or an Infomercial to Legalize Marijuana?
The impact of so-called medical marijuana and later the legalisation of marijuana in Colorado
3 Guaranteed Profits: Gambling, Prostitution, and #Cannabis
THC extracts concentrate problems
American Epilepsy Society President Says Side Effects of Artisanal CBD Oils Can Be So Severe No Paediatric Neurologist in Colorado Will Recommend Them
Photos showing just how the marijuana business in the USA is targeting the youth market
Sunday–Last Day of May
Marijuana legalization movement makes no sense
Response to Latest Claims by the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy
Marijuana Intoxication Blamed In More Deaths, Injuries
Trying to Enforce Colorado’s Conflicting Marijuana Regulatory Laws
Re: “Maine Voices: Bill to address opiate crisis in Maine is a step in the right direction” by Becky DeKeuster (Jan. 23):
Patrick Kennedy: Say No to Marijuana Legalisation
What Is the Deal With Synthetic Marijuana?
Drug Traffickers Seek Safe Haven Amid Legal Marijuana
Police Departments Across the Nation Start “Treatment, Not Jail” Programs
Lessons from Pot Experiment
Alcohol Prohibition – Actually, Prohibition Was a Success
50-Year Trends in Smoking-Related Mortality in the United States
Marijuana dependence influenced by genes, childhood sexual abuse
Legal drinking age of 18 tied to high school dropout rate
Number of Marijuana-Impaired Drivers Involved in Deadly Crashes Jumps 48 Percent in One Year in Washington State
10-percent of all babies born in Wicomico County, over the past 12 months, were born addicted to heroin
So called ‘medical marijuana’, Charlotte’s Web and Epileptic Seizures
Poll: Support for Marijuana Legalisation in Colorado Falling
Police: Meth bust shows legal pot forces cartels to change tactics
The Man Who Fell in Love With Weed
ACLU Calls Legislature’s Plans to Raid Pot Taxes “Dangerously Shortsighted and Unwise”
Cannabis and Stroke – Systematic Appraisal of Case Reports
One surprising downside of marijuana legalization: major energy use
Shatter is a potent and highly addictive new form of marijuana
The Connections Between Psychotropic Drugs and Irrational Acts of Violence – What Journalists, Lawyers, Laypersons and Healthcare Providers Need to Know
Students banned from cannabis coffee shops ‘more likely to pass exams,’ a Dutch study claims
Cannabis smokers warned they risk poorer exam grades
Obama’s Jamaican Fantasy
Drug Politics
Good News from Monitoring the Future 2014
Colorado one year on. Legalisers’ theories have gone to pot
Club Drug ‘Molly’ Causes Hospitalizations at Wesleyan
Soros-Owned Restaurant Sued for Wage Violations
New UK political party wants to make cannabis an election issue
Marijuana Edibles Blamed For Keystone Death
Status Report on State Compliance of Federal Marijuana Enforcement Policy
Flavored alcoholic drinks linked to risky teen behaviors
Legal Dope for Native Americans?
New data shows Indiana high school seniors are trying marijuana more often than alcohol and cigarettes.
Not the Usual College Party (This One’s Sober)
Probability and predictors of remission from life-time nicotine, alcohol, cannabis or cocaine dependence
Team to study how alcohol hijacks brain’s reward system
Painkiller-Addicted Babies a Growing U.S. Concern, Especially in Fla.
Flavored alcohol may increase risk of binge drinking, related injuries
Reducing stigma attached to addiction
America’s Appetite for Drugs Fuelling Mexican Violence
Research Review Prompts NIDA Warning About Marijuana Use.
The pro-pot people always exaggerate the impact of the criminal justice system on users.
My Turn: Scientists who know say ‘no’ to legal pot
As Seen on TV: Advertising’s Influence on Alcohol Abuse
Of Course Marijuana Addiction Exists. And It’s (Almost) All in Your Head.
Attorneys general take on ‘Spice’ drug
Animal Study Suggests Marijuana May Affect Future Offspring’s Susceptibility to Heroin
Colorado’s ‘Pot Pregnancies’ Birthing New Generation of Crack Babies
UN drugs body warns US states and Uruguay over cannabis legalisation
SAM Statement on the lawsuit from Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas law enforcement officials
Director Botticelli sits down for “FACE to FACE with SAM”
Investigation Reveals Medical Marijuana Is Getting Into School Kids’ Hands
Women twice as likely to see pot as risky
Laboratories of Democracy
What No One Is Saying About Marijuana – Why You Should Care….
Further legalization of all drugs in USA?
Neil McKeganey: Expert drug advisers turn a blind eye to the dire failings of the methadone programme
That Six-Serving Bar of Marijuana Chocolate? My Son Ate It
Why Colleges Haven’t Stopped Binge Drinking
Drug enforcement is not racist
Drug Users Silently Aiding Gun Thugs
Prediction: California crime wave coming
Big Marijuana Is Not Your Friend
Marijuana Legalization and Young Brains: Time for Serious Study
Story of tax dollars from sales of marijuana going to good causes is incorrect.
Pot Legalization and Crime Rates in Denver, Colorado
Dangerous new marijuana product looks like lip balm, packs big kick
Cully Stimson: Obama gets pottier. Now he wants a drug legaliser as one of his law officers.
Duck and Cover: How the Obama Administration Mishandled the 2014 National Household Survey on Drug Use and Health
Marijuana’s Anti-Environmentalists
RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Authorities battle booming marijuana grows
The New Civil Rights Division Head Wants to Decriminalize Possession of All Drugs
Does Eric Holder’s Successor Face a Momentum Shift on Dope?
Pot studies suggest regular use is bad for teen brains
Smoking marijuana caused car crash killing passengers
Prescription Drugs ‘Orphan’ Children In Eastern Kentucky
Biotech Researcher Finds Medical Pot Laced With Faeces
Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use
Drug czar approaches challenge from a different angle: As a recovering alcoholic
The Disaster Of CBD-Only ‘Medical Marijuana’ Legislation
Water-Guzzling Pot Plants Draining Drought-Wracked California
The Devastation That’s Really Happening in Colorado
Colorado’s troubles with pot
Youth regularly receive pro-marijuana tweets
Pot oil explosions a growing problem
Survey Finds 17% of High School Students Abuse Substances During School Day
Alcohol a leading cause of preventable death
A letter was published by the NY Times re Alcohol, Marijuana
Denver Crime Rate Up by almost 7%
Corrupting citizens for fun and profit
Legal pot blamed for some of influx of homeless in Denver this summer
FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK: Down The Rabbit Hole
Only 7.3% of the population of the USA are current users of marijuana
Legal Pot Is a Public Health Menace
Officials Concerned About Potential New Powdered Alcohol Product
Alarm at the promotion of numerous marijuana strains to treat serious mental health issues without any medical protocols.
Big Marijuana — Lessons from Big Tobacco
Smoke and mirrors in druggy Colorado. Press reporting standards down, crime up
Colorado lawmaker seeks marijuana tax review amid disappointing sales
Greed merchants growing like weeds around Amendment 2
Science and Reason re Marijuana
Sharp rise in babies born with foetal alcohol syndrome
The impact of marijuana on brain functions
Colorado Deputy: School Resource Officers Will Be Busier if Medical Marijuana Passes in Florida
Lowe’s Home Improvement store hiring policy
Medical marijuana in Oregon: State program prone to exploitation, abuse, report says
State med board to docs: We won’t stop you from getting into med pot business, but enter at your own risk
Teen Seizures And Deaths Linked To Dangerous Designer Drug “N-Bomb” –
Perceived Parent and Peer Marijuana Norms: The Moderating Effect of Parental Monitoring During College.
Parental disapproval contributes to racial, ethnic differences in prescription drug misuse by teens
Marijuana, tobacco, treated very differently by the government
Reefer Madness: Only 3 Percent of Pot Stories Mention Health Risks
Metro: Marijuana impairment rising among drivers
Deal leads state to path forward on cannabis oil treatment
Don’t Go to Pot
George Soros’ real crusade: Legalizing marijuana in the U.S.
Calvina Fay: Why we must say no to drug legalisation
Drug Courts in Minnesota: Smart on crime, not ‘soft on crime’
Parents given lowdown on a variety of drugs that threaten children
A Look Inside Colorado’s Pot Industry
South Florida business owners discuss prospects of profiting from legal pot
24 Mind-Blowing Facts About Marijuana
Vaporizers: the new pot industry
U.S. weighs crackdown on environmental damage from pot growers
The Quarter Backs of the New Anti-Drugs Movement – Project Sam
The Myth of Marijuana for Medical Use
The U.S. Love Affair With Addiction
Montana Soap Box: Marijuana causes big problems
Keep off the Grass
Rising levels of THC in the urine of our young patients
The perils of legalized pot
Presidential disconnect on pot
Saying ‘No’ to Drugs But Dying in Violence
Anti-Marijuana Legalization Billboards Appear in Advance of Super Bowl
Epilepsy experts call for more research into medical marijuana
The President Inhales
Cannabis is much more pernicious than Obama knows
Even Lady Gaga knows pot is not harmless
Weed – Been there. Done That
Graph: Young people aged 12 – 17 years of age in the USA who have used marijuana in the past month
The folly of marijuana legalization
Normalising pot is priming a public-health time bomb
‘Marijuana Bowl’ Buzz not so Super
Drug traffickers threaten Central America’s democratic gains
Youth pot smoking rises as attitudes shift
Colorado’s new high not for Massachusetts
2014 – When Doping Duped Americans Begins
Death rates soar among women using prescription drugs
Brain Scan Study Suggests ‘Pothead’ Stereotype Might Be Real
Pot problems in Colorado schools increase with legalization
Doctor says impact of marijuana in Colorado reaches Iowa
Cannabinoids on Steroids
Emergency Department Visits Involving Drug Molly Jumped 128 Percent Amongst Young People
Teens in child welfare system show higher drug abuse rate
Hard to fight war on drugs when we are the ones fuelling it
Article does not reflect the growing reality of marijuana as a public health and safety threat
The Cannabis-Psychosis Link
Electronic cigarettes more popular with teens, worrying health experts
In Defense of the Drug War
Police: Santa Cruz blast victims making hash oil
Suspected Illnesses Linked to Synthetic Marijuana in Colorado Rises to 150
‘Bath Salts’ Drugs Led to 23,000 ER Visits in One Year: U.S. Report
Marijuana use among Jessamine County teenagers is higher than the Kentucky average.
Study: Kindergarten behavior can predict later drug abuse — but early intervention can help
Hemp/Marijuana “QUOTES” (From the Legalizers)
Colorado Fails to Regulate Marijuana
The Legalisation of Marijuana in Colorado: The Impact Vol. 1/August 2013
Legalizing Marijuana — The Real Costs
Little evidence harm reduction reduces harm
The Nation’s Pulse: Initiatives Have Consequences
Legalizing Drugs Won’t Make Organized Crime Disappear: Kerlikowske
Legal” drugs killing us: 20 Signs That The Pharmaceutical Companies Are Running A 280 Billion Dollar Money Making Scam
Purdue Pharma L.P. To Present Data Describing Changes in Oxycodone Abuse in Rural Kentucky Following the Introduction of Reformulated OxyContin®…
A Win for Families: Urban Outfitters Halts Prescription Drug Paraphernalia Product Sales
Tennessee hospital treats drug-dependent babies
Yale Study Associates Marijuana Use With Prescription Drug Abuse
Smoke travels to non-smoking hotel rooms, study shows
Voters becoming wise to medical-marijuana ruse
Pot Smoking Can Cause Recurrent Nausea and Vomiting
10-Year-Old Inundated With Pot Ads On His Cellphone
Marijuana: Another Human Clinical Trial but With No Consent Form
GOP should stand firm against drug legalization/Responding to Joe Klein on Drug Legalization
The most effective ‘drug pushing’ measure ever – permission.
Marijuana not a safe or effective medicine
Study Examines New Treatment for Marijuana Dependence
Marijuana: A Gift of the Left to America’s Youth
Medical pot laws result in increased teen drug use
Experts worry that medical-pot laws promote teen use
Smoke and mirrors: Colorado teenagers and marijuana
Marijuana Side Effects Study Debated
The DEA’s pot defense [Blowback]
A Response to Steven Chapman’s ‘The War On Pot: Not a Safe Bet’
A Kennedy Shocks the Pro-Dope Liberal Media
Marijuana cardholders selling to each other, on the streets
HASC Report comment by Monte Stiles
Chart of Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs
Medical marijuana laws in 50 states
Legalizing Pot is Not the Answer!
So-called ‘medical marijuana’ results in increased use by youth
U.S. Illegal Drug Use Down Substantially from 1970s
Substance-Impaired Driving
Toxic chemicals poisoned wildlife in cannabis gardens
Public lands and wildlife destroyed by marijuana
One drug connection that everyone ignores
The case against drug legalization
Letter from ONDCP re ‘Medical Marijuana’
‘For medicinal purposes’
A Drug Policy for the 21st Century
Deaths from Prescription Drugs – USA
Adaptive programming improves outcomes in drug court: an experimental trial.
Pat Robertson is wrong about marijuana
Marijuana Legislation’s Unintended Consequences
Marijuana Impaired Driving: A serious safety problem
Dawn is almost here, but hope seems far away.
California Medical Association Not So Medical Says Drug Policy Experts
Experts Call New Strategies on AIDS Prevention Ineffective!
Planning Commission to consider ban on medical marijuana dispensaries
Marijuana and Youth – Experiences From a Practising Physician
Genetic Risk Factors for both Marijuana and Alcohol Misuse Similar
Study Finds Hospitalization Increases for Alcohol and Drug Overdoses
Cannabis, synthetic cannabinoids, and psychosis risk: What the evidence says
Brain Scans Show Danger of Meth Exposure During Pregnancy
The so-called ‘Drug War’ in the USA has not been’lost’ !
Drug Legalisation in USA?
Success in the USA in Reducing Drugs Use
Free Drugs or Drug Free?
New Field Poll Shows California Voters Oppose Legalized Marijuana
Families Protected by Healthcare Professionals Drug Prevention Outreach
Driving under Influence of Marijuana a Growing Problem
14 Hawaii Religious Marijuana Advocates Indicted
A Broken Mind
Consequences of Illicit Drug Use In America
CESAR Study Finds 9 Warning Signs of Early Marijuana Use Among Maryland’s Public School Students
School-Based Prevention Cuts Drug Use, Violence, NIDA Says
CDC issues statement and recommendations regarding prescription drug misuse
Drug overdose: Medical marijuana facing a backlash
More Americans Admitted for Opiate, Marijuana Treatment, SAMHSA Reports
The Involvement of Marijuana in California Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes 1998 -2008
Substance Abuse Prevention Dollars and Cents: A Cost-Benefit Analysis U.S.
Monitoring the Future survey shows that while marijuana continues to be the most commonly
Survey of High School Students Finds Significant Drop in Drug and Alcohol Use
Business embraces drug tests
Marijuana Smoke Listed Effective June 19, 2009 as Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer
Marijuana legalization? A White House rebuttal, finally
Proposed “Safe-Injection” Site in San Francisco Ignores Proven Solutions to Treating Drug Addicts
Obama is AWOL in the Drug Wars
Why Marijuana Legalization Would Compromise Public Health and Public Safety
Taxing Marijuana
More good news on teen smoking in USA: Rates at or near record lows
L.A. Medical-Pot Shops Peddle to LAUSD Pupils
Seeing Through the Haze: The Impact of Drug Legalization in America
Taxing Marijuana
Drug Use Down in USA
Drug Overdose Deaths Skyrocketing in USA
Small part of drug-related state spending goes to prevention
No: California does not need any more stoners
Texas Prevention Impact Index
Meth Project targets youths
What addiction really costs in the USA
Turn On, Tune In, Light Up
Drug Court Prevents Overdoses in South Boston
Drug Court Prevents Overdoses in South Boston
Congressional Subcommittee Questions the Scientific Validity of “Harm Reduction”
Drug Use Skyrocketing In USA
Steep rise in abuse of legal drugs
Trends in Drug Related Emergency Dept
Teen Drug Abuse Declines Across Wide Front
Monitoring the Future Survey Results Released
Drug trafficking
Substantial Declines in Teen Drug use
Teen Drug Use Continues To Decline
Three Factors Behind Teen Drug Use
HIV and Hepatitis C Have Reached ‘Near Saturation’ Among Injecting Drug Users
Parents Seriously Underestimate Availability and Use of Drugs Among Their Children
Education Campaign Aims to Reverse Trends in Teen ‘Meth’ and Ecstasy Use
Early Marijuana Use Called Pathway to Addiction
Rat Study Conducted by University of Georgia Researchers Suggests That Cannabis Interferes With Sustained Attention
Students who smoke marijuana likely to see lower math scores
The relationship between marijuana initiation and dropping out of high school
Study finds smoking marijuana can cause cancer
Study links teen use of tobacco and pot
Maine House Gives Final Approval to Smoke free Bars House Votes 95-47 to Become 5th Smoke free State
5 Million Deaths a Year Worldwide from Smoking Tobacco smoke is the world’s most lethal weapon of mass destruction.
Teen anti drugs make impact
Marijuana Misuse Increases Depression Risk
THC Level Skyrockets
Evidence Accumulates That Long-Term Marijuana Users Experience Withdrawal
Preventive education for adolescents or children
Neighborhood revitalization
Ozzy Says He Now Believes Pot Leads To Other Addictions
Religious Beliefs Linked to Decreased Drug Use
Study shows MS patients further impaired by smoking Low-THC marijuana
What Americans need to know about Marijuana
Snippets from SAMHSA
Report Shows Parents Unaware of Children’s Ecstasy Use
The Government Might Be Right About Marijuana
Anti-drug testing bill threatens students
Drug Use in the USA
Drug Courts Pay Off
Drug Abuse Trends Minneapolis – St Paul
College Students Discount Smoking Health Risks
Cocaine May Compromise Immune System, Increase Risk of Infection
Cigarettes Contribute to Early Cardiac Deaths Worldwide
HIV/AIDS EPIDEMIOLOGY: HIV rates, risk factors among different IDU types determined
A New Drug Threat: Salvia – by Mike Bush
Does Marijuana Withdrawal Syndrome Exist?
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorders in Adolescents
SMART Leaders
Smoking Prevalence In U.S. Birth Cohorts: Influence of Gender and Education
Smoking, pregnancy and poverty
Prevention & Education
Addiction – Desire to smoke may be inborn
Tobacco companies supply film-makers products (‘Product Placement’)
BAT knew tobacco was addictive
Psychosocial and Pharmacological Explanations of Nicotine’s “Gateway Drug” Function
Drugs and Crime
Uncle Sam’s Example
Drug Testing USA
Back to School Teen Survey – USA
Country Reports:
Philadelphia Inquirer: South Jersey Man Faces A Rare Drug Charge
Access to funds increases substance abuse and drug-related death
Hunterdon High School 7-year student drug use data released
Ronald Reagan To Go Down In History As The Champion of the War On Illicit Drugs
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