We believe parents should know at least as much about illegal drugs as their children. You need to be alert.
- Texas mom who lost son ‘not backing down’ in fight for fentanyl education
- Why We Need to Modernize Substance Use Education
- Red Ribbon Week
- Preventing bullying can prevent substance abuse
- In Oregon, parents and teachers catalyze drug prevention in schools
- Mothers of Fentanyl victims campaign for awareness
- Parents: talk to your kids about drugs and alcohol
- More than 321,000 U.S. children lost a parent to drug overdose from 2011 to 2021
- Unlocking the Truth: The Hidden Risks of Melatonin Gummies for Children
- Good parenting as catalyst for drug free society
- Every father should speak to their kids about drugs and alcohol
- Stress Main Factor Driving Teens to Abuse Drugs, Alcohol
- Nurturing Healthy Choices in Young Minds
- I’ve Tried Everything to Help My Child’s Addiction. Now What?
- Marijuana: What Parents Need to Know Today
- I Was Biting Glass and Biting My Way Out of Delirium
- Non-authoritative parents and impact on drug use: the perception of adolescent children.
- Parent and peer pathways linking childhood experiences of abuse with marijuana use in adolescence and adulthood.
- Best Parenting Strategies for Kids with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Parents should be wary of marijuana legalization
- Coalitions in Action: Thinking Outside the Box in Rural Indiana
- Being an addict’s mom: ‘It’s just a very, very sad place’
- A randomized pilot study of the Engaging Moms Program for family drug court.
- Examining the relationship between marijuana use, medical marijuana dispensaries, and abusive and neglectful parenting.
- Advocacy Group: Commercialization Of Legal Pot Has Led To ‘Epidemic’ For Colorado Kids
- So called ‘medical marijuana’, Charlotte’s Web and Epileptic Seizures
- The Medical Minute: Nicotine Poisoning Can Prove Fatal in Children
- New drug initiative in Lee County
- Revealed, what smoking does to an unborn baby: Remarkable images of foetus holding its face show how babies exposed to cigarettes may have delayed development
- ‘I will never get my childhood back’: Four people talk about life with an alcoholic parent
- Animal Study Suggests Marijuana May Affect Future Offspring’s Susceptibility to Heroin
- Children admitted to hospital because of alcohol use in NSW
- Why pregnancy and pot don’t – and shouldn’t – mix
- Children three years old and younger tested positive for cocaine and marijuana.
- Survey Finds 17% of High School Students Abuse Substances During School Day
- Teen Seizures And Deaths Linked To Dangerous Designer Drug “N-Bomb” –
- Molly – Why You Should Be Worried About This New Drug
- Over a thousand CHILDREN arrested for drug dealing – some as young as 12
- Parental disapproval contributes to racial, ethnic differences in prescription drug misuse by teens
- Heroin Epidemic: A Mother’s Plea To Parents
- Can Faith Rewire an Addict’s Brain?
- Parents given lowdown on a variety of drugs that threaten children
- Drugs for Sale on the Internet
- A tipple at dinner ‘could turn children into binge drinkers’
- Don’t let Colorado’s pot experiment draw in teens
- The perils of legalized pot
- NIDA Releases New Guide on Treating Teen Substance Abuse
- Weed – Been there. Done That
- Cannabis Killed My Son
- Teens in child welfare system show higher drug abuse rate
- Prescription drug abuse hits newborn babies hard
- Can teenage drinking lead to alcoholism?
- Prevention Connection: Marijuana is Now a Social Experiment
- Marijuana Use in Adolescence, But Not Adulthood, Linked to Permanent Brain Damage
- Don’t Expect to Learn Anything True about Marijuana From Internet Commenters
- Study: Kindergarten behavior can predict later drug abuse — but early intervention can help
- Early intervention tackles teen substance abuse
- 7 ways to protect your child
- Guiding Principles of Recovery
- A Win for Families: Urban Outfitters Halts Prescription Drug Paraphernalia Product Sales
- Good News For the Day
- Early intervention is valuable when facing drug and alcohol use
- 10-Year-Old Inundated With Pot Ads On His Cellphone
- PROSPER Prevention Programs Dramatically Cut Substance Abuse Among Teens
- Glasses made to look like pill bottles
- Marijuana is Not Harmless
- Pre-college talk between parents and teens likely to lessen college drinking
- Even a little pot use ups college dropout risk
- Marijuana use is on the increase among teens
- Students across the UK are getting high on computer cleaner in a new craze.
- Downplaying marijuana damage only hurts kids
- Kids and the pot culture
- Teen Marijuana Use: How Concerned Should We Be?
- Cypress-area teen suffers brain damage from synthetic marijuana
- New Monitoring the Future Survey Indicates Marijuana Use Is Increasing Among Teens
- WPI Alum Develops a Straw That Can Detect If Someone Slipped Date Rape Drugs in Your Drink
- Prescription Drug Abuse – Beware
- Fake Marijuana Use Is a Serious Problem for Teens
- “Weed Candy” dubbed newest street drug
- ‘The worst mistake I ever made’: a 12-year-old’s life on mephedrone
- Back To School Tip For Parents: Talk With Your Kids About Drinking And Drugs
- Middle-class children most likely to try alcohol by 12
- Men Who Smoke Before Conceiving Can Damage Fetal DNA, Study Suggests
- Legalization of Marijuana and the Impact on Children
- Teenagers are finally starting to say no to drugs and alcohol
- Prescription Drug Deaths in USA
- Best anti-drug strategy begins with education
- Reclassifying Cannabis
- When It Comes to Our Kids, Is a Little Marijuana Okay?
- Across the United States , Teenagers are Becoming Less Aware of the Dangers of Marijuana Use.
- Smoking ban ‘cuts birth problems’
- Parents and parents of friends can influence drug use
- Teens’ ‘cinnamon challenge’ is dangerous
- Adopted kids’ drug abuse risk affected by biological family
- Crystal Meth Detected In Newborns’ Hair
- Parents: Know warning signs of drug abuse
- Children of addicts ‘more likely to experience problems in adulthood’
- Crystal Meth Detected In Newborns’ Hair
- Long-term effects of a parent and student intervention on alcohol use in adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial.
- Supervised drinking at home can lead to alcohol problems as a teenager
- Brain Scans Show Danger of Meth Exposure During Pregnancy
- Tool May Allow Doctors to Assess Meth Impact on Babies Exposed Before Birth
- The Importance of Family Dinners VI
- Parents: Know warning signs of drug abuse
- The role of parents in preventing alcohol misuse
- Teens Now Getting High off Digital Drugs
- Parents: Know warning signs of drug abuse
- Teens Who Drink With Parents May Still Develop Alcohol Problems
- Shocking toll … under-age boozing has soared since Labour introduced 24-hour drinking in 2005
- Today’s Parents ‘Not To Blame’ For Teenage Problem Behavior
- Guide to implementing family skills training programmes for drug abuse prevention.
- Be a WebSafe Parent – protect your kids from pro-drug web content
- Study: Parents’ Expectations Can Influence Risky Teen Behavior
- My son’s death makes me fear for her family
- The Importance of Family Dinners
- Study: Parents’ Expectations Can Influence Risky Teen Behavior
- Parental monitoring can reduce teens’ marijuana use
- Parents encourage youngsters to drink, finds Oz study
- Kids who drink with parents ‘develop alcohol problems’
- Research Shows Parenting Can Prevent Drug Use, Aid Brain Development, NIDA Chief Says
- The Impact On Children Whose Parents Are Alcoholics Or Drug Addicts
- Teens Who Drink With Parents May Still Develop Alcohol Problems
- Dinner with family helps prevent drug use
- Chapel Hill ISD Presenting Drug Prevention Program For Parents
- Drug Education
- Effective Parenting can reduce risk of substance use by adolescents.
- Teens Using Drugs to Cope with Stress, Parents Underestimating Pressures
- What a pity Universities and colleges in the United Kingdom don’t do this.
- Stopping Drug Use – Primer for Parents-
- International Coalition For Drug Demand Reduction
- Five Moms Campaign
- 11,000 children addicted to drink and drugs get help
- PRIDE Survey Shows Students with Parents who Set and Enforce Clear Rules Less Likely to Report Drug Use
- Classic Blog: Experience of a mother of two young heroin addicts
- “Drugs Don’t Discriminate”
- Smoking During Pregnancy Increases Risk of Behavioral Problems in Children –
- Family Dinners and Teen Substance Use
- Drug Use Down in USA
- Effect of Prenatal Smoking on Genes Increases Risk for Disruptive Behavior
- Predictive factors for illicit drug use among young people
- Researcher Decries Parental Permissiveness on Drinking
- Family-Based Intervention Helps Male Children of Drug Users Avoid Substance Use Disorders
- A Healthy Start: Some Parenting Practices May Protect Youth From Early Marijuana Use
- Especially for Parents
- Finding the Courage To Speak After Losing A Son
- Big Tobacco Still Targetting Kids
- A Fairy Story
- Parenting For Prevention
- Parenting With Attitude
- What teens know — that parents don’t
- Urban Outfitters pulls marijuana cookbook from Mich. store
- The Summer Activity Checklist
- Teen killer was Cannabis user
- Summer time increased use of Marijuana
- Substance-Free Dorms Get Good Grades
- National Study Reveals Drug-Experienced Parents See Less Risk
- Parents Smoke, Kids Don’t
- What’s up with that snowman T-shirt?
- Schools Discover Benefits of Student Drug Testing Programs While Avoiding Costs and Liabilities
- School drug testing program cuts student drug use
- Sale of Drug-test Kits on the Rise
- Reaching them Young…
- Parents Can Sway Teens’ Attitudes on Drugs
- Pro drug group target seniors
- Panorama programme. Cannabis: what teenagers need to know
- Out of joint
- Middle schools offer parents drug-test kits
- Alcohol Industry Influences College Drinking Program
- Congress Approves Funds to Expand Parent Corps
- Police concerned about date rape drug
- Indicators of increased likelihood of substance abuse
- Family Matters! How Parents Can Help Children Remain Substance Free
- Charities Fear Lure of TV Dope Opera
- ‘I chained up my crack addict daughter’
- Huffing, Sniffing and VSA
- Free Drug Testing Kits for UK Schools
- Family Video against smoking
- Drugged Driving as Common as Alcohol-Impaired Driving Among Teens
- Drug Education in Schools.
- Concerns have been expressed over figures suggesting that injecting drug users in Dumfries and Galloway start their habit as young as 13
- (Compressed Air) DUST OFF – WARNING
- Child of 11 on Heroin
- Cannabis ‘Candy’ would confuse Children
- The effect of parental substance abuse on young people
- Parent Resources to Prevent Summertime Teen Marijuana Use
- Mothers Against Methamphetamine
- Secondhand Smoke Related to Year-Round Asthma Among Kids
- Pot-Smoking Parents Bad Role Models
- Residential Treatment Improves Parental Behaviour
- Unsupervised Teens Do Poorly In School
- Alcoholism Influenced by Genetics
- PARENTS A Natural Preventive Against Drugs -The Dutch Experience
- Parents to sue Alcohol Company
- SNIPPETS July 2005
- Bad Habits May Run in the Family
- Parents backing for random drug tests in schools
- Family Advocacy Network (FAN)
- Dare To Be You
- Marijuana Emergencies
- Prevention programmes for parents: Research findings – classic early studies
- What Parents Can Do
- CASA Survey Underscores Need for Parents and Adult Caregivers to Ensure Kids Stay Drug Free
- Three Factors Behind Teen Drug Use
- Parents Seriously Underestimate Availability and Use of Drugs Among Their Children
- Smoke interferes with asthma
- Report Shows Parents Unaware of Children’s Ecstasy Use
- Drugs Spark Gang Violence in Vancouver
- Effects of prenatal cigarette and marijuana exposure on drug use among offspring.
- Children of Smokers More Likely to Carry Pneumonia Bacteria
- Carcinogens Found in Infant Children of Smokers
- Exposure to Marijuana in Womb May Harm Brain
- Creating Lasting Connections (CLC)
- Parents and Drugs
- Smoking, pregnancy and poverty
- Smoking and Pregnancy – Second hand smoke increases the risk of SIDS and asthma
- What influences young people to take drugs?
- Involving Parents in Drugs Prevention
- Strengthening Families Program
- Parents’ concerns, attitudes, and needs
- Social Factors
- Learning Theory
- Parent Power
- Does Cocaine Used During Pregnancy Harm Developing Fetal Brain?
- Cocaine Use During Pregnancy May Affect Infant’s Brain
- More Babies Born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Behavioural outcomes among children of alcoholics during the early and middle childhood years
- Parents ignorant of passive smoking health risks
- A Healthy Start: Some Parenting Practices May Protect Youth From Early Marijuana Use