bDavid G. Evans, Esq., Senior Counsel, Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Litigators (CIVEL) –

Marijuana use makes autism scores worse. Autism Spectrum Disease (ASD) “is the commonest form of cannabis-associated clinical teratology.” (exhibits 1 and 2 ). A tetralogy is a collection of four things having something in common, such as a deformity with four features.

This is likely epidemiologically highly significant for the US, where autistic spectrum disorders have been shown to be growing exponentially. Cannabis use across the US was shown to be independently associated with autism rates across both time and space, to be dose-related, and, based on conservative projections, has been predicted to be at least 60% higher in cannabis-legal states than in states where cannabis was illegal by 2030. (exhibit 3)

Being particularly vulnerable to the pro-psychotic effects of cannabinoid exposure, autism spectrum individuals present with an increased risk of psychosis, which may be passed on to their own children. (exhibit 4)


Use of marijuana products can make autism scores worse in the user.

Exhibit 1.

Effect of Cannabis Legalization on US Autism Incidence and Medium-Term Projections. Reece AS and Hulse GK. Clinical Pediatrics. Vol 4, Iss 2, No:154


Exhibit 2.

In a study, 3,080 young adult Australian twins were used to assess ADHD symptoms, autistic traits, substance use, and substance use disorders. Great ADHD symptoms and autistic traits scores were associated with elevated levels of cannabis use and cannabis use disorder. DeAkwis D, et al. ADHD Symptoms, Autistic Traits, and Substance Use and Misuse in Adult Australian Twins. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, March 2014. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3965675/

Exhibit 3

Epidemiological Association of Various Substances and Multiple Cannabinoids with Autism in the USA. Reese SA and Hulse GK. Clinical Pediatrics., Vol 4, Issue2, No: 155.

Cannabinoids with Autism in USA. Accepted 22nd May 2019.  Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access. Published 31st May 2019.  https://www.longdom.org/open-access/epidemiological-associations-of-various-substances-and-multiple-cannabinoids-with-autism-in-usa.pdf

Exhibit 4.

Cannabis Use in Autism: Reasons for Concern about Risk for Psychosis
Riccardo Bortoletto 1,2, Marco Colizzi 2,3,*
Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Aug 16;10(8):1553. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10081553
PMCID: PMC9407973  PMID: 36011210


David G. Evans, Esq.

Senior Counsel

Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Litigators (CIVEL)

203 Main St. Suite 149

Flemington, NJ 08822






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